WMSA (Women in Mission Sewing Activities)

WHO: Ladies of all ages
WHAT: Meeting once a month to work together on a variety of projects
WHERE: FMC Church Basement
WHEN: First Wednesday of each month from 9:30 until after lunch (carry-in lunch). Come and go as you please!

Sharing our projects and our lives with one another!

Women in Mission Sewing Activities (WMSA) is a group of ladies who seek to serve God by putting their hands to work on a variety of projects. Projects include things like quilting, tying comforters and creating kits for Mennonite Central Committee (https://mcc.org/get-involved/kits). The items created are often donated to ministries or given to individuals in need. Any age is welcome and no sewing skills are necessary – there’s something for everyone!

Where to find us

Where to find us

It’s easy to contact us. You can call, email, or visit the church office. Please don’t hesitate to let us know how we can help you!