Practices & Values

That will guide our life together

  1. We will each personally practice spiritual disciplines that result in spiritual Transformation (becoming more like Christ) which leads to corporate transformation.
  2. We will listen to God and each other with love, and assume good intent.
  3. We will cultivate self-awareness and name our contributions to negative behavior that affect interactions in the community.
  4. We will embrace the other as equal to or greater than ourselves in ways that foster greater unity among us (John 17).
  5. We will create a safe place and guard the sense of safety for each person by granting confidentiality to each other so that everyone is free to share their thoughts even when expressed with strong emotions.
  6. We will practice open, trusting relationships with each other.
  7. We will speak the truth in love, showing love and kindness in what we say and how we say it. This includes not withholding ourselves from each other(1 Cor. 13), as all parts of the body are needed and valuable (Eph. 4).
  8. We will boldly choose to practice conflict transformation in conforming to the will of God during times of conflict and disappointment.
  9. We will practice discernment rather than decision-making.
  10. After a meeting has ended we will not advocate for our position outside the meeting in subgroups or with others not in the meeting or with individuals.
  11. We will endeavor to become a transforming community – a church where people come and are transformed, becoming more like Christ.

Our Mission Statement:

"FMC lives in a strong relationship with God. His love flows into the neighborhood, builds relationships, meets needs, proclaims the gospel, and produces a community full of hope, safety, love, and salvation."

Where to find us

Where to find us

It’s easy to contact us. You can call, email, or visit the church office. Please don’t hesitate to let us know how we can help you!