One God who has existed eternally as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and who has created all things and who is wholly good and perfect.
The infallibility and authority of scripture.
The full divinity and full humanity of Jesus Christ.
The need for salvation is because every person has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
Salvation only by the grace of God through the sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf, who shed His blood to pay the price due for our sins to redeem us for Himself
That those who accept salvation and place themselves under the authority of Jesus Christ are the church, the body of Christ on earth.
That Jesus commissioned His church to go into the world and make disciples of all nations.
That as Jesus fed the hungry, healed the sick and had compassion on the poor, so His church should likewise minister to those in need and seek to relieve human suffering.
That all human beings, from conception to death, in every state, deserve to be shown dignity, compassion, and love.
That God is perfect and infinite in His love, holiness, power, wisdom, mercy, and righteousness, and that He desires that all people will be reconciled to Himself and be in a relationship with Him.
Where to find us
Where to find us
It’s easy to contact us. You can call, email, or visit the church office. Please don’t hesitate to let us know how we can help you!